Digital Agency You
Can Rely Upon !
At Autobyte Solution, we believe in the power of
innovation and creativity to drive your digital success
Digital Agency You
Can Rely Upon !
At Autobyte Solution, we believe in the power of
innovation and creativity to drive your digital success
Digital Agency You
Can Rely Upon !
At Autobyte Solution, we believe in the power of
innovation and creativity to drive your digital success
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Our refund policy makes
shopping risk-free
By accessing and using the website you expressly agree to the
following conditions.
following conditions.
Autobyte Solution offers a 100% Refund on all its design services; however, it is not an unconditional 100% refund and certain conditions still apply. Autobyte Solution Refund Policy will be Voided if:
- You have chosen a special or a custom package.
- The primary design concept (for any service) has been approved.
- The Logo has been finalized.
- The website has been designed, developed and deployed live.
- You have demanded revisions.
- The cancellation has been made due to reasons non-related to the project.
- The company has not been contacted for more than 2 week.
- Other company or designer has been approached for the same project.
- The creative brief is lacking in required information.
- A complete design change has been demanded.
- If the payment is for Domain and Hosting.
- The claim has crossed the given ‘request for refund’ time span.
- The business is closing or changing name or business.
- Reasons such as ‘change of mind’, ‘disagreement with partner’ or other reasons that do not pertain to the service will not be subject to refund under any circumstances.
- Once a client has accepted multiple sets of revisions (for any service), The client may be entitled to claim 50% of the refund after discussion with their Project Manager. The refund approval will be at discretion of Autobyte Solution Management’s decision on the matter will be final.
- If a client subscribes for a service bundle and happens to be dissatisfied with a particular service, refund will only be applicable on that particular service and ‘not’ the entire bundle.
- Cancellations of orders prior to project initiation due to reasons unrelated to the design service itself for any number of reasons will be subjected to a 33% cancellation administrative fee.